Category: Gut Health

July 29, 2022

4 Diets That Support a Healthy Colon

Each part of the digestive system plays a critical role in a healthy functioning body. Specifically, the colon helps to absorb water and minerals and eliminate waste. Maintaining a healthy colon can help protect against uncomfortable intestinal disorders such as

April 30, 2022

5 Easy Ways To Introduce Probiotics Into Your Diet

We’ve all heard the trend towards probiotics in the diet. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health defines probiotics as live organisms that are intended to have health benefits when consumed or applied to the body. When people first

February 28, 2022

When Should I Be Concerned About my Gastrointestinal Health?

From our brain to our heart, our gastrointestinal health plays a significant role when it comes to the health of other systems in our body and our overall wellness. With that being said, the occasional bloating, stomachache, or constipation is