Category: Uncategorized

October 19, 2020

A Guide to Liver Cancer Diagnosis

For National Liver Cancer Awareness Month in October, we are bringing attention to the different methods that can be used for liver cancer diagnosis. Blood tests, imaging tests, and biopsies are all ways liver cancer can be diagnosed. Blood Tests

September 8, 2020

The GI Show: Episode 13-Advanced Treatment for GERD

What options are there for patients who don't have success with medications, have side effects, or don't want to take medication for the rest of their life? Surgeons can repair anatomical defects laparoscopically or robotically. These defects include hiatal hernia

August 20, 2020

The GI Show: Episode 12-Refractory GERD

When symptoms don't respond to typical therapy, patients are considered to have refractory GERD. An alternative diagnosis can be pursued through testing including endoscopy, pH testing, and manometry. Non-acid reflux, acid hypersensitivity, motility disorder, food allergy, and functional heartburn are